All Classes
Classes for every level, mood & schedule!

See All of Our Class Styles
Restorative Yoga
Activate classes are calm yet dynamic and ideal for someone looking for a low-impact, slow yoga flow.
Short Yoga & Fitness Workouts
Bulldog Bites
Bulldog Bite classes are the ultimate variety of on-demand yoga & fitness workouts with various intensities and styles … all under 30 minutes!
Power Yoga with Resistance Bands
Exhilarate classes blend the fast-paced aerobic style of our Invigorate power yoga classes with the added tension of resistance bands into one fun, sweaty yoga flow!
Power Yoga
Invigorate power yoga classes are fast-paced and fun with a focus on building your strength and endurance through aerobic movements.
Interval Training Fitness
Bootcamp, Cardio HIIT & Yoga Sculpt
Bootcamp, cardio HIIT & yoga sculpt classes are energetic and challenging with a focus on getting your heart pumping through interval training.
Guided Meditation
Each of our audio-only guided meditation classes are designed to bring your focus to the present and help you build the practice of mindfulness.
Weekly Live Classes
Live Stream
Our weekly live yoga classes give you that in-person studio feel without ever leaving home! Live classes stream several times each week with a changing variety of class styles, intensities, and lengths. All live classes are available on-demand after airing to fit your busy schedule.
Featured Publications and Accomplishments
Don’t just take our word for it...check out our reviews! We’ve also been featured in some great publications, including Shape Magazine,, Goop, Yogi Approved and PopSugar.