Ditch The Excuses! It’s Time To Start Your Online Yoga Workout
Excuses for NOT working out appear to be endless. I, personally, have used excuses to get out of everything from happy hours to phone calls to generally awkward interactions (I use them for those a lot, actually). And let’s be real… most of us have used them to avoid exercising. It’s especially tempting to use an excuse to skip a new kind of exercise, like an online yoga workout for beginners.
Here are the 10 Worst Excuses for NOT Working Out …
To help keep us all accountable to the wellness goals we’ve set for ourselves, I’ve brainstormed this (mostly) comprehensive list of excuses that we’ve all used to avoid working out.
And, I’ve also collected some thoughts on how to bust them so you can stop putting off a yoga workout for beginners and give it a try… now.
#1) “I shouldn’t take the time away from my family.”
By taking your yoga workout online, you save time. What a great way to create time for yourself AND your family.
I get it. Like you, I feel like I am always running around in a million directions working on a mile-long to-do list. There’s never enough time to get everything done, let alone to give my loved ones the time and attention they so deserve.
It’s no wonder that we often set our own health and self-care aside because we feel the pressure to take care of our friends and family, instead.
But let’s be real — we’ve all heard the thing about putting on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else with theirs. And that works the same way with our daily health habits and routines.
When we make time for our own wellness, including beginner yoga, we ensure that we can be better for the people we love, even encouraging them to take better care of themselves in the process!
I don’t know your friends and family and partner personally, but I have a sneaky suspicion that they want you to feel good and be your best you. Seek out their support as you work on a consistent workout routine.
You’ll all be glad you did it. And since you can watch beginner yoga videos in the comfort of your own home (or anywhere else!) with online yoga, you won’t even have to sacrifice a lot of time with family.
#2) “I’ll never get in shape, anyway.”
Maybe you feel like you’re already too behind. You’ve never been big on exercise, so why start now? Is it even possible to catch up?
News flash, Bulldoggers – it is!
According to a 2019 study published by JAMA,
Working out will pay off, even if you don’t start doing it until later in life. The older adults who participated in the study increased their activity levels in their leisure time and their risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and other causes declined compared to their less active peers.
The bottom line is that it’s never too late! Stop telling yourself that you’ve missed the window to feel better and get healthier — and an online yoga workout for beginners and/or slow flow yoga is a great place to start. And, before you know it, you just may be excited to try online power yoga classes!
#3) “Working out just isn’t my thing.”
I don’t mean to sound like your mom, but you don’t really know that something isn’t your thing until you give it a fair shot. Doing yoga at home — especially if it’s the Bulldog special brand of high-energy yoga — might give you a much-needed change of perspective on the whole idea of fitness.
Just because one health regimen or workout plan was a letdown in the past doesn’t mean you should quit on the whole idea of getting fit. Shake things up and try again! Maybe online yoga classes with yoga workouts for beginners will be just the thing you need to fall in love with wellness.
#4) “I’m lazy.”
Ditch The Excuses!
Let me just level with you here, people. You are not doing yourself any favors by defaulting to this as an excuse for getting up and getting moving.
This is the ultimate excuse for not working out at home, and we both know you’re better than that. If you want to exercise more but feel like you’re just “too lazy,” then stop. being. lazy.
Sometimes, it all comes down to your mindset. Decide that you’re not an inherently lazy person and you may surprise yourself with how much you can actually do.
Step up your game with a few beginner yoga videos and go from there.
#5) “I’m not athletic/coordinated/flexible.”
I understand that it can be a little scary to get started with an at-home exercise routine if you don’t have a lot of prior experience with physical activity (here are some great starter poses from PopSugar). No one wants to feel like they’re falling behind or looking silly. I can totally relate to those fears. We all have our unique insecurities! And, I also know that many people (maybe even you!), think you have to be flexible to do yoga. Here’s a fun fact… you don’t 😊.
But here’s the thing about exercise: the more you do it, the stronger, more coordinated, more flexible, and generally more fit you’re going to be. Sounds like the perfect reason to start your online yoga workout for beginners!
According to the University of Michigan Health Service,
Aerobic exercise, in particular, raises your heart rate to improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs. The more you do it, the better your heart and lungs will be able to perform in the future, making exercise more manageable.
Once you get going with an online yoga workout, you’ll feel stronger and more confident in your abilities. You just have to get started. After you have a few sweat sessions under your belt, you won’t need to use this excuse anymore.
#6) “I’m tired.”
Aren’t we all? If I had a dime for every time I heard this excuse, I would own a thousand dogs by now.
I promise I’m not trying to be unsympathetic. I’m tired pretty much all the time, too.
Being a human is exhausting. But if you use being tired as an excuse to skip a workout (or do pretty much anything else), I think you might need a reality check.
It’s time to stop sitting out on worthwhile, healthy activities simply because you’d rather be in bed!
Plus, if it’s more energy you’re looking for, you should actually be exercising more, not less.
Per Harvard Health,
Sticking to an exercise routine is a great way to boost your energy. Working out raises energy-promoting neurotransmitters in the brain and helps your body to better conserve energy for other activities.
Wake up and work out!
#7) “Exercise isn’t fun.”
What makes something a good time, of course, is subjective, but if you think that working out isn’t fun, I can’t help but wonder if you’ve explored all of your options.
In my experience, moving your exercise routine to your house or apartment can go a long way toward upping the fun factor. I love doing core exercises while binge-watching my favorite show, for example, or inviting friends over for a beginner yoga video with Bulldog Online.
In the comfort of your own home, you can really reinvent exercise so it works for you and keeps you engaged and excited. The old rules don’t have to apply if you think they’re no fun! It’s all about moving your body.
#8) “I don’t have enough space to work out at home.”
Who said you need a ton of space to work out at home? A fancy home gym or enormous open space is so not required.
All you really need for a yoga workout for beginners is a small area where you can comfortably move your arms and legs —think roughly the size of a yoga mat. That should give you more than enough room to make the most of your workout.
#9) “I don’t have the equipment I need.”
Ditto above! There’s no need for a full home gym stocked with fancy equipment and weight machines.
In fact, most of my favorite strength training exercises rely primarily on bodyweight, anyway, and all you need for those is, well, your body weight. This is true of a yoga workout for beginners, too!
#10) “I don’t have time!”
I’m not saying you don’t have a busy schedule or suggesting that your life isn’t as chaotic as it feels most of the time. Your time is definitely precious… and is likely in high demand, too. I know mine is!
My healthy habits totally changed when I started setting my alarm a little earlier so I could squeeze more time out of my days.
I’m a morning person so that works for me, but maybe you could move your bedtime back by thirty minutes, or commit to spending a little less time in front of your phone or the TV so you can free up space in your day for working out at home.
It’s always possible to get a few more minutes of valuable time if you honestly evaluate your schedule.
Resources like Bulldog Online can really help you combat this excuse, too, since you can access it anywhere, any time. Some of those classes last between just ten and thirty-five minutes, which is a real lifesaver if you’re feeling short on hours in the day.
Take the first step in kicking those excuses to the curb:
Get Started with these Yoga Basics