Learn the proper alignments of cat pose and cow pose in this quick tip. Moving between cat pose and cow pose is a great flow anytime your body needs a break.

Cat pose and cow pose is great for strengthening your spine. During cow stretch, activate the tailbone and neck. While in cat, release the tension in your neck and upper back. The pose will also improve the blood flow and articulation in your spine.

Find more helpful tips and videos here.


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Trying yoga at home has never been easier and more fun! 😎


Maybe you think doing yoga online is too boring, slow, or just too intimidating. That’s where Bulldog Yoga comes in with fun, fitness-fueled yoga routine set to bangin’ playlists for all levels!

Bulldog’s online yoga workouts offer users of all experience levels the chance to practice yoga when and where they can, with no intimidation. Flow at your own pace!


Cat Pose Instruction

Cat Pose

Hands underneath shoulders, fingers are wide and palms are pressed into the mat
Knees underneath hips
Biceps spin forward
Belly pulls in and up (navel to spine)
Press belly away from the ground
Round through the back
Tailbone is towards the floor
Tuck chin, gaze is down


Cow Pose Instruction

Cow Pose

Hands underneath shoulders, fingers are wide and palms are pressed into the mat
Knees underneath hips
Biceps spin forward
Belly melts towards the floor
Shoulder blades draw towards each other
Tailbone is towards the ceiling
Gaze lifts to the ceiling


Find more yoga poses and instruction by visiting our Know Your Poses page.


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