
This group of poses offers heat building and full body strengthening. They are great to use throughout the practice to make you stronger and feel empowered.

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Low (Kneeling) Lunge

Low (Kneeling) Lunge

This pose stretches and strengthens the hips and hip flexors. Strengthens the lower leg muscle groups which help to support knee joint stability.

Front knee is stacked above the ankle
Press your front foot into the mat
Back knee rests on the mat
Back toes are untucked with top of back foot resting on mat
Hips facing forward, shoulders stacked over hips
Arms reach high, biceps frame ears
Fingers are spread wide
Gaze forward

Modification: Add a blanket or towel under back knee for support.

High Lunge

High Lunge

This pose stretches and strengthens the hips and hip flexors. Strengthens the lower leg muscle groups which help to support knee joint stability.

Front knee is stacked above the ankle
Press your front foot into the mat, front toes face forwards
Hips facing forward, shoulders stacked over hips
Inner thighs squeeze together
Arms reach high, biceps frame ears
Fingers are spread wide
Shoulders relaxed away from ears
Back leg is engaged, back heel over back toes
Gaze forward or slightly up (if comfortable for neck)

Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 Pose

Warrior 1 is a more challenging yoga pose than it sounds. Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back while stretching your hips and chest.

Hips square (as best you can) to the front of the mat
Front knee is stacked above the ankle
Press your front foot into the mat, front toes face forwards
Back heel is down & back toes point towards the front of the mat, or at an angle
Press outer edge of back foot onto the mat and lift the arch off the floor slightly
Low ribs draw in
Shoulders stacked over hips, spine is long
Shoulders relaxed away from ears, draw shoulder blades towards each other
Arms reach high, biceps frame ears, or press hands together at chest

Modification: Lift the back heel so your thigh can draw forward, or widen through your stance.

Warrior 2 Pose

Warrior 2 Pose

Warrior 2 is one of the most popular poses on the mat. An energizing pose, it stretches your hips, groin and shoulders while broadening your chest and shoulders.

Hips open to the side of the room/mat
Front toes face forward, back foot is parallel to the back edge of the mat or slightly turned toward the front of the mat
Front knee over ankle
Press outer edge of back foot onto the mat and lift the arch off the floor slightly
Low ribs draw in
Shoulders stacked over hips, spine is long
Arms pull apart in opposite direction, reach evenly to front & back of mat with fingertips
Gaze is over the front middle finger



This is a full body pose that stretches and strengthens the thighs (outer and inner), lower back, knees and ankles.

Hips face the side of the room/mat
Front toes face forward, back foot is parallel to the back edge of the mat or slightly turned toward the front of the mat
Front leg is straight, try not to lock the front knee
Arms pull apart, front forearm gently rest on the front shin and back arm is reaching towards the sky
Shoulders & hands stacked, fingers gently reaching away from each other
Core is strong supporting your back
Gaze is towards the sky or towards your bottom hand

Modification (for beginners): Place a block under your bottom hand for support & balance.

Extended Side Angle

Extended Side Angle

Extended side angle pose builds strength throughout the lower body muscles. It requires intense core engagement and lengthening through the sides of the torso.

Hips open to the side of the room
Front toes face forward, back foot is parallel to the back edge of the mat or slightly turned toward the front of the mat
Front knee over ankle
Press outer edge of back foot onto the mat and lift the arch off the floor slightly
Front forearm rests gently on the inside of the front thigh and top arm reaches over your head
Chest & outer hip rotating upward slightly
Gaze is towards the sky or towards your bottom hand

Modification: Bring your bottom hand to a block inside your front foot or leg for extra support & balance.

Reverse Warrior Pose

Reverse Warrior Pose

Reverse warrior pose builds strength throughout the lower body muscles and lengthens through the sides of the torso. It requires intense core engagement.

Hips open to the side of the room
Front toes face forward, back foot is parallel to the back edge of the mat or slightly turned toward the front of the mat
Front knee over ankle
Press outer edge of back foot onto the mat and lift the arch off the floor slightly
Reach the front arm towards the sky and back
Back arm rests gently on back leg
Relax shoulders away from the ears
Gaze high towards your top hand

Runner's Lunge

Runner's Lunge

Engage and stretch your hamstrings, thighs and calves in this very active stretch. Also builds core strength.

Front knee is stacked above the ankle
Heel of back leg is over the ball of the foot
Hands are framing the front foot, hands or fingertips on mat
Engage back leg to keep hips in line with shoulders
Back is long and chest is hovering over the thigh
Inner thighs squeeze together
Gaze is forward and down

Modification: Place both hands on blocks at the top of your mat.