Backbends offer an opportunity to extend the spine and strengthen the muscles that support the vertebrae of the spine.
Locust Pose
Locust pose strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and backs of the arms and legs. Stretches the shoulders, chest, belly and thighs. Also a great pose for improving posture.
Lie on belly with arms by sides, palms facing down next to hips
Lift up chest, legs and hands
Legs can zip together or keep legs hip width apart
Find broadness across the chest, shoulders away from ears
Squeeze & engage glutes
Lift hands above the hips, palms facing down
Gaze is forward and down, neck is long
Modification (for low back): Place a block in between your legs, above your knees.
Bow Pose
Stretches the entire front of the body, while strengthening the back muscles and improving posture.
Lie on belly, bend knees and reach both hands back for outer part of ankles
Kick feet into hands to lift chest
Keep knees within hip distance apart
Lift feet towards the ceiling
Straighten the arms, elbows soft
Thighs lift off of the mat
Chest is forward, shoulder blades draw toward each other
Gaze is forward and down, neck is long
Bridge Pose
Stretches the chest, neck and spine while strengthening the glutes, hamstrings and thighs. This is a great pose to counteract sitting for long periods of time.
Lie on your back with knees bent & feet flat on mat, feet are hip width apart
Heels are close to your glutes
Hands are at your side, palms facing down
Hips lift towards the ceiling, knees in line with hips
Press heels into the mat down and forward
Option to interlace fingers underneath your back and press fists into the mat w/ straight arms
Pelvis and chest lift up, back of neck is on the mat, heart is open
Gaze is straight up, neck in one line
Modification: Place a block in between your thighs for low back support.
Wheel Pose
Wheel pose is a huge strength pose for your arms, wrists, abdomen, legs, shoulders and chest. This pose also helps to broaden through the chest and front of the shoulders.
Lie on your back with knees bent & feet flat on mat, feet are hip width apart
Heels are close to your glutes
Hands are next to ears, pinkies towards the outer edges of the mat
Hips lift towards the ceiling
Press heels into the mat down and forward
Straighten arms, fingers face the back of the mat
Lift & open chest, chest pulls through between the straight arms
Gaze between hands
Modification: Place a block in between your thighs for low back support.